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Občianske združenie Gympaba – príspevok 2 % z daní

Milí rodičia a priatelia školy, použite Vaše 2 % pre Vaše deti…


…darovaním 2 % z dane nám pomôžete zlepšiť prostredie a podmienky v našej škole pre Vaše deti.

Ak sa rozhodnete nepoukázať 2 % z dane nikomu, tieto prostriedky ostanú v správe štátu. Pre nás však budú obrovskou podporou, pomocou ktorej vieme zabezpečovať aktivity a vybavenie školy, ku ktorým by sme sa inak nedostali. Všetky poukázané prostriedky budú použité transparentne, aby ste vedeli sami vyhodnotiť ich reálne využitie.


Návod, ako darovať Vaše 2 % z dane Občianskemu združeniu našej školy GYMPABA nájdete v priloženom dokumente alebo odkaze.


Dear parents and friends of our school,


As we embark on another year of nurturing and enriching the educational journey of our children, we would like to bring your attention to an opportunity that allows you to make a significant impact with minimal effort.
If you are employed and contribute to taxes in Slovakia, you have the power to designate 2 % of your income tax to our school foundation, GYMPABA.


Yearly, you have the chance to direct 2 % of your income tax towards a non-profit organization or foundation of your choice. By choosing to allocate this percentage to GYMPABA, you actively contribute to enhancing the school environment and improving conditions for your children. In the absence of your decision, these funds revert to the state. Your generous contribution becomes a crucial lifeline for us, empowering the school to cover expenses related to activities and equipment that might otherwise be beyond our reach.


For detailed instructions on how to allocate 2 % of your tax to the GYMPABA school foundation, please refer to the attached document or visit the provided link.