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Diploma Programme

MISSION STATEMENT at Spojená škola, Pankúchova

We aim to share and apply a common philosophy – a commitment to a high quality, challenging, international education founded in the principle of linking theory, practice, and real-life situations. We promote international mindedness whilst respecting and supporting the development of students’ needs and their unique personalities and supporting them to become multi-lingual lifelong learners who help to create peaceful and better world.

DIPLOMA PROGRAMME (DP) – it is a continuum of the MYP for students aged 16 – 19.  IB DP is graduation program. The assessment of graduation consists internal (assessed at school and in abroad) and external part (assessed only abroad). It is respected by leading universities across the globe. The IB Diploma Programme was established in 1968 to provide an international education that would enable young people to better understand and manage the complexities of our world. IB DP provides a challenging, internationally focused, broad and balanced educational experience for students. Students study six subject and curriculum core concurrently over two years. The three core elements are:


The six subject groups are:


English A: Language and Literature (Course outline)

Language A: Slovak Literature (Course outline)


Language B: English (Course outline)

Language B: German (Course outline)

Language B: French (Course outline)

Language B: Spanish (Course outline)


Geography HL (Course outline)

Geography SL (Course outline)

Economics (Course outline)

History (HL) (Course outline)

History (SL) (Course outline)

Psychology (Course outline)


Biology (Course outline)

Chemistry (Course outline)

Physics (Course outline)


Mathematics: Analysis and approaches (Course outline)

  • THE ARTS (not offered yet)

You can find more about course selection guidance here.

The final exams of the IB DP have been declared equivalent to the Slovak maturita exams by the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic. This allows IB DP graduate students to apply to Slovak, Czech or any other University of their choice.